Woodwork Training

We run training in woodworking for adults with learning difficulties.  Trainees learn a wide range of skills in a well equpped workshop.  Recycled wood is often used and most projects are for the community (such as a goose house for the local community garden, and repurposed oak from Shirehampton Methodist church - wood from the communion rail has made a large cross, font and advent wreath).  Many projects are commissioned and many other suggestions are from the trainee.  Currently we have no vacancies for this training. 

A recent project was making a set of planters delivered to the car park of Shirehampton Methodist Church in the summer of 2024.

SMC planters2



 Goosehouse 2019

Communion rail 2019


WhatsApp Image 2024 01 06 at 20.51.52

Cross 2019Cross 2019bFont March2022

Font March2022

Please contact us if you have a project you would like us to do.