Please contact us by e-mail at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or phone 01179826455 to get in touch.

Fulligrove House is in Woodwell Road, Shirehampton BS11 9UG

The precise location is at What3Words narrow.decay.remind

Location via What3Words narrow.decay.remind

The founders and co-leaders of the ALFA Christian Community are Chris and Lyn Morton.


We are based in Bristol, and were members of the Fellowship of the King Church from its inception in 1980 until it recently closed in a formal capacity (although gatherings of people continue).  We worship regularly in the churches where we live in Shirehampton.  Via ALFA CC we are continuing the support of Christian ministries and missionaries previously supported by the Fellowship including the wonderful Swahiba Youth Networks organisation in Kenya.